Foreign Objects Are Out!

Unfortunately, replaceable blades can become lost and create a hazard that leads to severe medical and legal costs.

Self-Assembling Satlets

As individual pieces, Lego bricks are packed with a great deal of potential and promise. Each brick has all the tools and components necessary to build bigger and better things, with imagination being the only limiting factor. That’s exactly the concept at play with “Satlets,” which aim to change the way we launch objects into […]

Reptiles Are In!

Food is the culprit behind many preventable illnesses—and worse. Every year, roughly one in six Americans (48 million people) falls sick, 128,000 become hospitalized, and roughly 3,000 die from foodborne illness.

20/20 Vision Couldn’t See 2020 Coming

As calls flooded in from our clients for PPE, sanitizer and non-contact thermometers, we began exploring how to best answer the rapidly growing call for help in a way that could create a positive impact in the fight against COVID-19.

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